Wednesday, October 20, 2010

October - New Year

    This is directed to myself, and perhaps, my one follower.  It was October last year when I created this blog; thinking to myself, "I need a place to capture my thoughts which is less likely to be discovered by my child or husband, than my bedside table."  There were plenty of things bumping around in my head and it seemed, at the time that I couldn't quite get them straight.  I was lost, and wanting.  Looking for something to do with myself.  Since then a lot has changed.
     OCTOBER - the start to my year.  The month when things naturally open and close for me.  The beginning and the end. 
    It was a year ago in October when we were alarmed to discover my dad has cancer and we began this battle of will. This October he is not doing well and I fear he is losing this battle.  A new chapter.  A new experience.  I've never been down this road before.
    This October I am wrapping up the details for the MAPC conference that just concluded this past Sunday.  It was an incredible experience to work along side such dedicated & intelligent people.  I am closing this chapter, and looking for my next project.  My next adventure to overcome, and conquer. 
    OCTOBER - For as long as I can remember, and even before that, there has been a significance behind this time.  Not just for me, but for my family.  My mother, her sisters, and my grandmother all behaved differently in the month of October, knowing change is on the horizon.  Seeing and expecting to see the start and the end.  This collective memory that surrounds this time of year is profound to me; influencing me.

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